What to do if you get COVID-19

We all have heard plenty of times what we should do to prevent getting infected with coronavirus. Today, I would like to address some simple things you should do to be more prepared in case you do get infected with COVID-19.
These are my recommendations:
Things you should have at home:
- Paracetamol to help you manage temperature.
- Cough syrup
- Honey and lemon (works just as well as cough syrup and it soothes the respiratory tract)
- Chest rub (Try to find one that doesn’t have any petroleum ingredients in it).
- Humidifier
- Meals prepped up in advance in the freezer
Things you should in case you get symptoms that could mean you may have been infected with the virus:
- Isolate yourself and quarantine for at least 2 weeks,
- Sanitize your bed linen and clothes regularly.
- Wear gloves and a mask.
- Hydrate yourself constantly. Ginger Lemonade is a great way to do it.
- Eat warm honey with lemon at least twice a day.
- Rest a lot.
- Use a humidifier with some eucalyptus in it.
- Manage your fever with paracetamol.
- Eat lots of foods with a high pH like: lemons, limes, avocados, garlic, pineapple, papaya, mango, tangerine, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, watermelon and dandelion. This will disturb the living environment of the virus.
- Do not go to the hospital unless you have trouble breathing or you have a fever higher than 102.
Hope this helps!
In health and light,